Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Intrepid Two have touched down in New Mexico

I have a confession first -- I don't get it.  I get the burger, mind you, I'll travel just about anywhere for good food.  But I just don't get the fascination with the desert.  Apologies to all of you who love it, and I know there are many adherents.  And there are parts of the southwest I love, but they involve trees.  I'm arboreal by nature and the long flat lands just give me the willies.  My wife is from farm country and it's the same thing, acre after acre of desolate looking brown land except for the months some crop is growing.  Again, I know some people love it, and I wouldn't say I'm agoraphobic, but I will say flat land and I do not get along.

Then along comes one of my best friends who suddenly develops a fondness

for flat land, for heat and sun and miles of cacti and scrub brush.  And I try to like it, I've been through that area of the country many many times, even spent some time in Arizona and New Mexico and got to know some lovely people.

And still, I just don't get it.  

But that's just me.  And the dude is having a great time.  They made it to Roswell, got some shuteye, then had breakfast at IHOP.  Then the highlight so far -- the UFO museum.  Steve's always been an X Files fan and I have to believe that part of him truly believes something happened in Roswell.  Frankly I do too, because, well, why the hell not? 

They've been wandering around the city center streets and like a moth to light, he found a fantastic bookstore in Roswell called Books Again on 308 Richardson.  And if all goes well, they plan to hit Tiny's burgers later today!  I'm not sure how far Tatum is from Roswell, but like much of the west, things are spread out.  On the east coast, it's always a pleasure to drive because something is always happening, you are going through another state, etc.  But you could drive all day and still be in Texas.  Another one of my biases showing up I suppose.

By all accounts he and Wilson are having a great time, and as long as you have great company, who cares if the world is hot, flat, and scary?  :-)




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