To hide their traffic they set their pathways in shallow water. Only the greatest of hunters could follow them. ~ The World of Aihrde
Popular Culture, Movies, History, Games, Castles and Crusades. The musings of the Brothers Chenault. Troll Lord Games
To hide their traffic they set their pathways in shallow water. Only the greatest of hunters could follow them. ~ The World of Aihrde
Alea iacta est! Look not behind, victory lies before you! Tomorrow is yours! Make it so! Forward now!
The road to adventure began long ago. Now it shows. Upon the battered mail, and weary look it shows. But it matters not, for the struggle is the reward!
Frost clings to the trees, giving them a bluish hue. The clouds hang low in the air, yielding to their own weight of promised snow. But the castle is before you. Quiet. Seemingly empty. A shelter if nothing else...
Where do the Roads to Adventure lead? Countless battles and hordes retrieved! How now do the spoils of your endeavors pay off? In stone and mansion, fortified hill, in castles for homes...#playcnc #aihrde #ttrpg
Out trip to Gencon took us up through the Arkansas Delta country, and into the boot of Missouri, across the Big Muddy and on into the spra...