Monday, October 18, 2021

On the road with Steve and Wilson and their quest for the perfect burger

 I've known Steve a long time, over 30 years now I think. And in that time, there have been a few constants in his life -- his love of Dr. Pepper and his love of hamburgers.

He's particular about both. Dr. Pepper must be in a can and very cold once it starts to warm up, he's done with it. He's been promising a primer to a good Dr. Pepper for years, but basically that is the gist -- cold and in a can.

Similarly he loves a good hamburger. Used to be when we would go on cross country trips, we would get drive-thru at McDonald's because it was always quick and I was always in a hurry (I love to drive from full to empty tank without stopping) and he would order the same thing -- two hamburgers with nothing on them. They would inevitably ask: Do you want cheese? Ketchup? And he would say: "No, ma'am (or sir, he was always very polite) just two pieces of bread and some meat." And just as I would start to put the car in gear to leave with our grease, he would tell me to wait and he would check the order. At least 20% of the time they would have it wrong and we would have to ask them to fix it. It used to drive me batty. Just eat it I'd tell him, it mostly tastes like cardboard anyway. At least this way, you won't choke on dry cardboard.

Fast forward a couple decades and a few thousand burgers later, and he has made a small concession to the burger. He will now order it with cheese though he still eschews any condiments. 
When I visit The Dens we always go to the Purple Cow and get the same thing. And it is a darn fine burger, probably one of the better ones I've had (Jackman Trading Post burger is slightly better).

However a few years ago, Steve called me from vacation with his family. "Dude (he calls me Dude, or Smoke, I don't think he's actually used Tim in addressing me since college) -- Dude, I just had the best burger I've ever had. I love it!"

I asked him where it was and he told me Tatum, New Mexico, population 726 burger fanatics.
So I wasn't too surprised when he told me last week that he and Wilson (his son and our other chief shipper) were heading out on a mission: The perfect burger from Tiny's Burgers in Tatum. Just a quick trip, Monday through Wednesday night. Wilson had better drive, because Steve gets sleepy about 15 minutes into any trip.

All of this rambling is to tell you all that while they are on the burger quest, shipping will be less than normal. And to encourage you to keep shopping (Steve needs to pay for the Dr. Pepper and burger after all) we are offering 30% off all items in our Digital Category of our store for a limited time!


Use this coupon code for 30% off everything in the Digital Category at checkout: BRGR30

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