Friday, June 05, 2015


This weekend finds a whole passel of Trolls at various Cons.  Tylermo, Todd and the Troll Lord (or as I call them the Three T's) are slinging books and games at the North Texas RPG Con.  You can find them over near the auction area or under a rock or at the bar.  And also running a bunch of games.  So if you are there, be sure to stop by and say howdy.  A free Players Handbook to the first person to successfully cut Tylermo's hair.  Don't mind me, I'm just jealous because I couldn't go and am bald. 

And over at Origins, booth 252, you will find Roy Snyder, heading up a booth chock full of Troll wares.  There are prized to be had I'm told and some great discounts.  Be sure to stop by and say hello and admire the new banner he has. 

So while Mark, Peter, Mac, Davis and myself hold down the fort, the other Trolls are out in the world bringing you the best darn RPG on the planet.  Trollzah!
Troll Lord at work

Origins and the new banner

1 comment:

Anthony Simeone said...

Good to see the Trolls on the road again! And Tim, remember that bald is beautiful!

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