Friday, August 20, 2021

Word of the Day -- Risible

Here's a word I had no idea about when I first saw it.  It's not one of those words that you can just guess at by the look of it.  And it's not that common a word either.  But it doesn't mean we can't learn it!

Risible -- capable of laughing; also: disposed to laugh.

The only way I can remember this word is to associate it and use it when I think of our head honcho, he who sits on the elephant's back, CEO of TLG Steve Chenault.  I've known him for over 35 years now and one of the reasons I always liked him so much was his ease at laughter.  He has a resonant, pleasant laugh, like he really thought what you said was funny, even if it isn't.  Frequently, in our younger years, Steve, myself, and our friend Kenneth would drive around the country doing whatever it is young people do (we weren't really that exciting, we went to a lot of bookstores). Kenneth and I would sit in the front and Steve would usually fall asleep in the back.  Kenneth and I love word play, and especially puns, so the puns would go on for hours and if Steve wasn't asleep, he would laugh right along with us.  I've always loved him for that, for the way he tolerated our banter and even appeared to find it funny.  Which after 8 hours, they often aren't.  

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