Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Heptagonal Trapezohedron – that’s fair


I’ve always been enamored of the die we all use in The Game. I am not particularly sure why, as I am sure many of are equally enamored and bemused as to why. So rather than labor on that query, I focus my attention elsewhere. Why aren’t there more die? I’m not a mathematician nor a geometer (if that’s a word? If it is not, it should be.). We have d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20s.

Oh d14, d16, d18 wherefore art thou?

Well, they are out there. These were not available as a child. Only the platonic solids were used in making dice back in the day. Now we have Catalan solids as the base for dice. The d14, d16, and d18 are neither. To make those, the use of a heptagonal trapezohedron, rhombicuboctahedron, and the octagonal trapezohedron to fill in the gaps.

Why would I want all these dice?

 I want a game that uses them all. It seems fair to me. D2, d4, all up to d20 for hit dice type, weapons damage, and a variety of other uses. It just seems fair to me, or at least more engulfing. Then again I imagine if I had those, I would want a d22, d24… you get the picture. There would never be enough.

I should use a Möbius strip.

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