Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Calling upon Micahel Moorcock

 So today I begin writing an adventure that is not set in Airdhe nor Inzae. Rather this module is set elsewhere, in one of those wild and woolly infinite planes of existence that span time and space and not space and not time. You get the drift. My go to for plane travel and craziness is Michael Moorcock.

So, I get to change some rules, stats, etc just to make the place a little more interesting and challenging. This shall be fun because I hate the 'laws of physics.' I am not a fan of laws, so I shall break them willy-nilly.  

Though Steven did say we need to have it playable. So there is that. And he does not want any new monsters. The latter shall not work I think. Maybe one or two. I don't know. 

Silver Warriors was the first Moorcock book I read. This was my introduction to the Eternal Warrior, plane travel, and the idea of a multiverse where anything could happen. 

Later came Elric.

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