Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Word of the Day -- Bailey

 If you are of a certain age, the word Bailey brings to mind:

WKRP in Cincinnati was one of my favorite shows as a young boy and Bailey was one of the reasons, for sure.  Jan Smithers is her real name.  She played the sweet, shy, moral compass of the tv show about a radio station.  And like most men of my age (53) I was in love with her.  

The show is probably on Hulu now, or Nick at Nite if they still do that channel?  If you can find it, check it out.  Really fun and brash and a bit risque for the time.  

But we aren't here to talk about that Bailey, though I just did.  :-). We are here to talk about this Bailey:

Bailey -- A courtyard inside a curtain wall.  Such as in a castle:

Baileys can be arranged in sequence along a hill (as in a spur castle), giving an upper bailey and lower bailey. They can also be nested one inside the other, as in a concentric castle, giving an outer bailey and inner bailey. Large castles may have two outer baileys; if in line they may form an outer and middle bailey. On the other hand, tower houses lack an enclosed bailey. 

There is also the Old Bailey that is the name for the Central Criminal Court of England and Wales, but that's another story for another day...

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