Saturday, August 28, 2021

Friday Nights are for Games


I often wonder what day is the most popular for  playing table top role-playing games? For that matter, do people play during the day or during the night? or in between?



Which Day?

Growing up we played every Friday and Saturday night. Usually we would start play after whatever event was going on. This would typically be around seven. We would then play until we couldn't play anymore or had other things to do. Sometimes these games would last for 48 hours. Sometimes not.

When Steve and I first started out, we played whenever we could. I even remember playing during lunch with friends at the wee age of.... well whatever wee age that was. This all stopped when college rolled through, then jobs, then travel, then life.

Gaming became more rare during those years. Once a week if at all was the norm. I even went several years without gaming at all. 

Then suddenly, in the early 2000s everything came together for a brief time. We were all settled, working, financially stable, and had no kids. We gamed like mad for those few years. There were three day long games at times. Playing weekends and even adding Thursdays on occasion. Emails would fly and stories wove. It was the same time TLG was founded. 

That ended.

Now we play once a week, on Thursday, starting at 9pm, and ending around 1am.

I think we got old. Except now, Now I think we be walking up to a new gaming dawn. Steve has started playing on Sundays and my two boys are interested in playing.

Here's to The Game and the hours of fun we have had at the table and the hours to come.

Thanks Gary and friends.

1 comment:

Troll Lord said...

That was a great convention! I think that was the second con I went to with Gary. I loved working with him. ~ Steve

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