Thursday, May 07, 2015

Into the Wild

The book Into the Wild by Krakauer follows the tale of Christopher McCandless as he leaves home/college and the prospects of a jobs and a life in the big town, to wander the wilds in search of himself and the world, or answers or some such (or maybe he just wanted the phone to stop ringing and hit the road). The book traces his footsteps through many weird adventures until they end up at an abandoned hunter's bus in Alaska. There McCandless dies, from starvation it would seem.

The book has an undertone of sadness to it, but I was never sure that was necessary. Maybe McCandless lived and died precisely how he wanted to. Though he was afraid he was dying, he did live a note for a call to help, but in the end, he seemed to face it with the same courage he did all his adventures.

At any rate, fresh news from Krakauer about cause of death here.

Read the book or watch the movie, both are very good.

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