Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Before we got to Star Wars

The extreme makeover edition that features star wars characters rebuilding a house isn't as bad as it seems, and is not, the Dens think, a precursor of things to come with Disney at the intergalactic  helm. The episode was shot over a year ago, long before the deal was made, and it included members of the 501st (who have attended past Troll Cons I might add) helping to rebuild this family home destroyed in a fire. Seems the owner lost his entire collection of Star Wars memorabilia that he had been collecting since the 70s.

The 501st does lots of charity work and this was one of those times.

It just coincides with the Lucas giving up the helm because everyone was always bitching at him about his movies and the direction he took his story and his characters.

post script: This makes one wonder if the janitors on the death star had to wear armor.

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