Monday, December 17, 2012


Its seems that your character's gear includes some type of cheese…at least the rations do. Evidence points to the creation of cheese almost 7000 years ago. Pottery found possessing strange holes were possibly used as colanders to separate the curds and whey. Pottery found in Poland of the period is linked to early nineteenth century methods of making cheese on the American frontier, indicating the method of making cheese began a very long time ago.

Read on.

post script: there is yet no evidence of macaroni.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its seems that your character's gear includes some type of cheese…at least the rations do. Evidence points to the creation of cheese almost 7000 years ago. Pottery found possessing strange holes were possibly used as colanders to separate the curds and whey. Pottery found in Poland of the period is linked to early nineteenth century methods of making cheese on the American frontier, indicating the method of making cheese began a very long time ago.
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