Wednesday, December 19, 2012


There seem to be few species that work so well together as dogs and homo-sapiens. There are some symbiotic species, where one requires the other to survive, but nothing quiet like the dog/human relationship...maybe the clown fish and sea anomie.

We have archeological evidence for the comradeship dating back about 14000 years. This is a dog burial in Germany, where one was laid to rest with a human. Another, just a dog burial, lies in the wilds of North America at about 11000 years. So speculation places dog/human interaction at about 35000 years ago. This will probably be moved back as the archeological record is never complete and always adjusting itself as new finds are discovered.

Homo-Sapiens have been be-bopping about for about a quarter of a million years, it seems hard to believe that at some point in that long journey some hairy dude was sitting on a rock gnawing on a rabbit leg, looking at a smattering of wild dogs and resisted the urge to toss the dog a bone.

But whoever did that, whenever they did it. Thank you!


Philo Pharynx said...

A lot of researchers believe that dogs initiated the contact - they domesticated themselves. The braver ones got closer to the humans. The dogs got to scavenge the human's scraps and the humans got sentries with sharp senses.

Troll Lord said...

Philo, I don't doubt that at all. Dogs trailing the camps picking up the left overs.

It probably happened in multiple places, wholly unrelated, time and time again. Heck, I have a raccoon that comes up to my door every night looking for scraps. He's gotten to wear if I open the door and slide the food out really slowly he doesn't even run away (I discovered he doesn't like brussel sprouts).

Dogs would have been much the same way I suspect.

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