Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Amazing Adventures -- Review

Review: Amazing Adventures by Timothy Brannon

Amazing Adventures RPG

I am woefully behind on reviews.  So I want to do one I picked up at Gen Con and it has been sitting on my desk, taunting me to review it.

First off some disclaimers.
* I do know the author Jason Vey and we have worked on projects together before.  This is not one of those projects.
* I did read a playtest version of this game some time ago.  This review is on the published version of the book.
* I did not get a free copy of this. I pledged in Troll Lords pre-order program and picked it up at Gen Con.

Ok.  All of that is out of the way.

Amazing Adventures (hereafter AA) is a new Pulp Action RPG based on the same SIEGE Engine that runs Castles & Crusades.  Unlike other SIEGE games, this one is 100% compatible with C&C.  So much so that I plan on using them together, but I'll get to that.  Right now let's talk about what the book has.

To read more, continue on to Timothy's blog: The Other Side


Timothy S. Brannan said...

Cool. Thanks for the link back!

I have some more up today.

Day of the Triffids for AA.

Have posts for AA all this week.

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