Friday, November 19, 2021

Women & the Road to Adventure!

The C&C PHB, 8th printing, that is soon to come out has some major graphic design changes (the rules stay the same, that has not changed) and one of the coolest new features is the addition of a mountain of new illustrations. This time around we are putting pictures of men and women for both the classes and races. And all are depicted as if they are adventurers on the Road to Adventure (this is a play on words as the Kickstarter for the new PHB was called the Roads to Adventure!)

It is hard for me to choose a favorite from all these new pictures, both male and female. Peter Bradley and Zoe DeVos did a fantastic job. But I constantly return to this one. The female fighter. This piece by Peter Bradley captures a quiet, though tense moment. That calm before the storm so to speak. The armor is perfect, the lacings on the coat, the braids. I simply love it. There are details there as well. Her weapon’s hand has a simple glove on, the other hand armored. It’s a nice touch.

Not only is this a fantastic illustration, but it has the equipment of an adventurer, something I love so very much when it comes to gameplay (you can see this on GM’s Tricks of the Trade, accessible through patreon). I talk about gear all the time. Press it on players at the tables I run.

It is just cool art.

Castles & Crusades Players Handbook, 8th printing (out this December).

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