Thursday, November 11, 2021

M3 A Gathering Storm

The Ebon Staff! An artifact, a fetish, a symbol of the long-dead goddess Amphoe Wan. The staff brings hope to her downtrodden and beaten people even in the face of the gathering storm. For her enemies muster in the north, they intend to extinguish the light of this goddess and her people forever. 

To harness its power, one must return the staff to its sepulcher and give it back to the goddess. But the sepulcher, the temple to Amphoe Wan, lies hidden in the vast rolling expanse of the steppe. Finding it proffers a challenge to any who carry it and those who do have the burden of a whole people on their shoulders. Crossing the unforgiving steppe, guided by faith, desperation, or brilliant insight, one must find the ancient temple from which the goddess first came into the world and return the staff to where it belongs.

But the road is long, the steppes unforgiving, and what dangers lie within the temple is anyone’s guess.

The Gathering Storm, designed for a mid-level party of 4-6 characters, is an overland and dungeon adventure that began with M1 AStranger Among Us and continued in M2 The Ebon Staff. This adventure takes the characters further into the steppes and to the holiest shrine of its people.

Coming third week of November, 2021 from Troll Lord Games.

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