Thursday, July 10, 2014

Of the Binding of the Sun & Moon

When Unklar saw that the Day Star burned bright but held no life of its own, and the Evening Star was the same, and the Shroud of Darkness weakened what little light they held, he tracked down the Sisters in the limitless waste of the Maelstrom and bid them return to Aihrde. He took the shape of an elderly man with long beard and kindly visage. In his image he looked as an old dwarf or other kindly being, and though the Sisters knew Unklar, it softened their minds to him. He recanted before them of his evil deeds, speaking of the world’s suffering and the death of many plants and animals and he bid them return and make the world thrive in their light. They fought only a little for they were possessed then of a great sorrow at all the loss and Unklar cast himself as a wounded creature who had meant no harm. They returned then to Aihrde and too late learned his great deceit, for in the deeps of Aufstrag he had forged great chains, these magical bindings were in aft times called the Urlnarch.

When the Sisters came to Aihrde Unklar heaped them in the Urlnarch and bound them both to the world. Aihrde he bound to the sun and the moon to Aihrde, so that Aihrde orbited the Maiden of Light and the Maiden of Night orbited Aihrde. They spun through the Maelstom bound one to the other.

It is said that in the still quiet one may hear the grinding of the Urlnarch in the heavens over Aihrde.

~The Codex of Aihrde

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