Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Pitfalls of Asexuality

It would seem that the true problem with asexuality is that it locks you into a single genetic strain, as no new genes are introduced in the reproductive process, a species stays on the same road it began upon.  At least that was what scientists believed. No so much anymore.

The bdelliods are asexual creatures who have survived the pit fight that is life in our universe for 80 million years, not only that these all female creatures have branched out into 400 different sub-species. They do it through gene transfer, taking ahold of another creature and absorbing their very DNA. About 10% of the creature is made up of foreign DNA which allows it to mutate and survive in extreme conditions as sometimes this DNA "activates" to aid the little creature in times of need.

I'm not sure these creatures are asexual however, but rather Kirkexual. Interspecies love . . . whose to say the bdelloids female wiles are not so great that they attract all manner of creatures to its loving embrace.

Read Article.

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