Friday, November 16, 2012

The Apocalypse

We know its coming . . . December 21st is the day the aliens/zombies/asteroids/natural disasters/asteroid -riding-alien-zombies hits the earth the apocalypse begins. Are you prepared?

In watching a video I learned that there are 37 crucial items you need to survive what's coming. You'll need these 37 items. The 37 items are absolutely crucial. Just 37 items . . . of for god's sake what are they? Oh right, I had to pay to find out what they are. I'm assuming one of them is a hot chocolate. What fool would go into the new millennium without hot chocolate?

Being cheap bastard its better to poke around rather than pay (as the only real apocalypse going on right now is happening in the wallet). So here is a list found on the net, but a goodly fellow named "Be Prepared." It includes things like toilet paper, tarps, trash bags, towels, paper bags . . . really that's a silly list.

What you really need is an extra pair of glasses:

post script: does and apocalypse begin? or is it so sudden that it just happens?

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