Friday, November 16, 2012

Frost Giant's Ring

Long ago the frost giants mastered the skills of metallurgy. They forge their armor and weapons from the hardest irons; they make their chariot-sleds of wood, laced with iron, and they imbue many items with a magic few other's understand. The frost giants love life and laughter and the slaughter of both, the revel in it. And this love they bind in the trappings with which they decorate their arms. The arm bands mark a giants victories and even his defeats, they capture his strength and hold the echo of his own lusts. When worn by mortal men that echo passes to them and the strength of the giant. Anyone wearing such a band gains 5 hit points so long as they wear the arm band. The band shrink when placed on an arm. The item carries with it an echo of chaos and evil, so only the most bold of paladin's dare to wear it and any who do themselves radiate a chaos and evil.

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