Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wolves in Snow

In reading about wolves it seems they may be underplayed in most games. These creatures are large and powerful and when working together not very easy to elude or stop. 


DesignZombie said...

Oh no, these @#$Kers have always been a pain in my player's butts in the games I have run in the past (literally lol)

Anonymous said...

I knew a guy who got "nipped" in the calf by a wild wolf wanting indicate its displeasure without getting serious. The bite went through the meat and to the bone. (He was freeing the wolf from a trap meant for another animal, something he had done so many times he had a system for it. Unfortunately for him, this was an alpha male with strong opinions about this system.)

But don't forget that wolves need to avoid significant injury, which is why large prey usually get away as long as they're healthy.


Troll Lord said...

Dam! That must have hurt. I've been dog bit and that hurts enough.

Agreed on the injury. Of course my other problem is that I like wolves and the idea of 'em and when a character hits one it pisses me off! hah


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