Thursday, July 31, 2014


Dice are just cool. There have been bazillions of them made in the past 40 odd years of gaming, but none ever so cool as these!

I have a picture of my original dice somewhere but can't seem to find it. Davis still uses them in our thursday night game, though the 20s are almost completely round at this point. All the fancy colors and what nots of the modern dice are cool, but never quite as cool as simple, straight forward monochrome colors.


Anonymous said...

I gave that d20 to our dorm cat way back when. She loved it, but my neighbors did not appreciate the clatter-clatter-clatter along the baseboard.


David S. Berkompas said...

I seem to remember as a teenager that we had to ink our dice to bring the numbers out.

Anonymous said...

David, depends on which iteration you got. I didn't have to do that, but I knew others who did.


Anonymous said...

My first Polyhedrals! (Holmes Basic with B1!) Thanks for this.

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