Friday, May 03, 2013

Seems Like a Clever Trap

Several dozen years ago a pit-cave was discovered south of Madrid, Spain. While digging the miners struck several bones, looking old enough, the hollered at the local paleontologists to come out and see what there was to see. The bones proved to be very, very old. The site was marked off and the delicate digging begun.

To date paleontologists have unearthed 18000 fossils from a host of creatures. It would seem that the pit, rather deep and wide at the bottom became a trap for animals who fell, died from the fall or privation later, and in turn attracted younger predators too obstinate to look for other prey. Over the millennia more animals fell and more were trapped and more died. The pit itself eventually filled in with sediment making the perfect dig site for our modern day scientists.

This sounds like a good adventure hook for next week's game. Characters go in, water cushions the fall, now they have to find their way out. Of course there is a small tunnel that leads off into the darkness. So the fun begins . . . .

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