Friday, May 03, 2013

Opportunity and Curiosity Back Online

As you may or may not know the Mars conjunction placed the Red Planet on the far side of the sun from Earth; such a position causes interference with data transmittal so our intrepid explorer Curiosity was placed in standy mode. This cut off communications, though he continued to collect some data from various sensors. This data was stored and waited for a data dump yesterday.

The other rover on the planet, Opportunity, decided to follow suit and on April 27 it shut down while in the midst of a routine atmosphere check. The best guess is the explorer rebooted after discovering a problem with communications. However, it went back online on the 29th and he is speaking to us again.

We are waiting for Curiosity's data dump. Read news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never realized the Wall-E resemblance.

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