Thursday, May 16, 2013

Read how to get 20% off your next purchase!

Get 20% OFF your next purchase! If we reach our goal of $4,000 today, we will send everyone who preordered City of Eskadia a 20% off coupon good for your next online purchase at Phone in orders are fine and count as well!

4 days left in our Free City of Eskadia: Jack of Lies preorder and we are very close! We need only $600 to get this book into hardcover. Consider a preorder at the most popular level thus far, the Jack of Lie Burglar. For $50, you get both the hardcover and PDF (delivered today if ordered today) and a slew of maps: City map, Sewer map, Area of Interest map, AND a set of 20 maps extra for reference. Take a look at the preorder page and make your pledge today.

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Plywood Memories from Gencon to Vegas

  Out trip to Gencon took us up through the Arkansas Delta country, and into the boot of Missouri, across the Big Muddy and on into the spra...