Thursday, April 11, 2013

When in Rome

See what they ate 2000 years ago.

In 79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupted, it destroyed Pompeii in a rolling wave of pyroclastic nightmare; it also overwhelmed and buried the smaller town of Herculaneum. That town was hit even harder and utterly buried.

For years they've been digging out Herculaneum. The well preserved town has yielded mountains of archeological evidence, information about how the Romans lived and what they did.

Apparently they threw away alot of waste. Recent excavations of a cess pit have yielded over 10 tons of human waste and other debris. The cess pit was not part of the sewer system, but rather a collection point for waste, like a compost heap, only larger and underground. People in Rome threw everything but the kitchen down into the cess pit . . . an arguably since pottery served as the kitchen sink, they probably did throw that down into the pit, as many shards of pottery were found.

Most revealing is what they ate: fish, figs and Fennel, as well as mutton, olives, urchins (see not street) and mollusks.

Biggest pile of shit ever found! Read on.

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