Friday, April 12, 2013

Time. The Iranians Have It!

It would seem that a scientist in Iran has mastered time, well, part of time. Ali Razeghi working within the confines of the Center for Strategic Inventions, and with 179 inventions to his credit, has invented a machine that predicts your future, hitting it on the head 98% of the time. By hooking you up and running a series of algorythems it charts the course of your future, or rather, sets down in print the course your future charts . . . or something like that, it predicts what the heck your going to do.

Good for up to 8 years in the future, it fits in a brief case. The Americans are working on a similar device, but he has done it at "a fraction of the cost" (silly Americans). He refuses to reveal it however as the Chinese will steal the idea and "make millions of copies overnight."

The real fear isn't the Chinese however, but the knowledge that if mass produced everyone will intentionly steer clear of their predicted future just to be an ass and this will completely mess up the time stream and the continuum at which point John Conner will come back to find the Delorean and Dr. Who will have to save the day or some such.

The Telegraph.


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