Friday, April 26, 2013

Evil! You Lose Again.

At the CERN Collider they have discovered a particle that decays unevenly into matter and anti-matter. Now this discovery is important as scientists are attempting to discover why matter exists but anti-matter does not, when it is theorized that after the Big Bang equal amounts of the both were hanging about the Cosmos. What is difficult to explain is why the one is absent and the other not.

This isn't necessarily new, as it was discovered at Brookhaven back in the 60s that Kaon particles suffered asymmetry in decay rates between the positive and negative charged; then again in Japan around the turn of the century with mesons. The CERN Collider has discovered another particle that suffers this, B0 particles.

Read on.

"Third times the charm," as my mother likes to say.

Evil, you again lose!

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