Tuesday, October 09, 2012

About Us -- Troll Lord Games

Beyond the comforts of home, lie worlds of epic adventure...

That's our tagline, our motto, and words we try and live by. At Troll Lord Games, we strive to put out quality product that transports you to another world, another time, another dimension. Whether you are playing our flagship product, Castles & Crusades, or another of our games such as Amazing Adventures, Star Siege, Fields of Battle, Tainted Lands to name a few, you will always find our popular and easy to use/adapt Siege Engine; core rules that allow for ease of understanding but also ease in modification/flexibility.

If you are new to us, we welcome you and hope you will take a look around and if you like what you see, try us out. You'll find great deals on our products, we try to keep the cost low and the games exciting. We offer a special on the "complete" set of Castles & Crusades, the core books that you need as well as an adventure module to get you started on your way into another world. And if you prefer your games in digital form, we have PDFs, Kindle, and other electronic means of downloading our games.

Want to know more about us?  You can find out plenty about us, meet the team, talk to other players, on our website, blog, facebook page, twitter, newsletter.  Our online stores have everything we offer and you can purchase at the following places:

Troll Lord Games Store

Once again we thank you for checking us out.  I think you will find a wealth of information to help you on your way to another epic adventure.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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