Monday, October 15, 2012

This is Not Mash

We've had a game on the table called Comrades for some time, a Siege Engine game. Its premise is set about 50 years in the future in a world falling apart. This is why when thumbing though hulu, watching the tv show Comrades was a must.

Comrades is a Korean tv show chronicling the struggles of a platoon of Korean soldiers during the Korean war. It begins with the liberation of Pyongyang and the wholesale retreat of the communist forces back to the Yalu River. Much of the show is jubilant as these young Koreans return to their homeland, welcoming the unification of Korea (the country was officially divided in 1948). One of the sergeants falls to his knees as he drinks water from a stream from his home region. Of course the first episode ends badly as the massed Chinese armies slip across the border hammering the unsuspecting Korean and UN armies.

The next 5 episodes trace the battered retreat of the UN forces as they are pummeled by overwhelming numbers of Chinese volunteers.

This show is about Koreans in that war and only Koreans; some New Zealanders show up for a brief bit but they are already dead, frozen to death during the retreat. Watching it gives the viewer a whole new look at the Korean War, the way Koreans saw it. Interestingly they trek it from both sides, as they follow it from the communist side as well. This is the Korean war from the Korean's perspective, a wholly different perspective than MASH.

Very worth the watch. Lots of great action, acting and sets. I'm not a Korean War buff so I did a little reading up on it, but none of that is necessary.

Comrades!  Its on HULU!

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