Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Back to the Future

I remember when President Reagan was pilloried in the press for his Strategic Defense Initiative; they called it Star Wars. The idea that you could put lasers on satellites and rupture the heat shields on incoming ICBMs was, to must talking heads, a joke and laughable science fiction . . . .

Well, not so much it would seem. We already use lasers to mark targets on the battlefield for airstrikes and the like. They are studying space born defenses they should as our communications network is very vulnerable (save those land lines people). But lasers are slated to become a standard part of the arsenal by the year 2020. The US Navy is looking at the immediate use (and by immediate I mean in the next decade or thereabouts) of lasers to target incoming drones.

Wired Magazine has a great article on it.

Now if they would just do this . . . .

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