Thursday, December 30, 2021

Word of the Day -- Apricity

I found this word while looking up the definition for yesterday's WOTD Hygge.  It came in an email with words having to do with winter.  And this is one that I absolutely love though apparently it is antiquated and not an official word even.  I say we bring it back!  I mean, after all, who hasn't experienced this?  

Apricity -- Warmth of the sun; basking in the sun, especially in winter.

Years ago I was on a Q&A panel for some convention with friend and creator of Hyperborea, Jeffrey Talanian.  Somehow we got to talking about how I was in Maine and he was in New Hampshire and how much we loved the weather in winter.  He remarked about snow shoveling in shorts and I laughed and said I know exactly what he meant.  

Sometimes, when the sun is beating down on you in winter, and the humidity is low and there is no wind, it can feel like a summer's day.  Those who live in cold climes will know what I mean.  It's such a pleasure to bask in the sun when the weather is cold and there is snow all around you.  

I guess you could say I "appreciate apricity". Sorry... I just couldn't resist.  :-)


Plywood Memories from Gencon to Vegas

  Out trip to Gencon took us up through the Arkansas Delta country, and into the boot of Missouri, across the Big Muddy and on into the spra...