Monday, December 20, 2021

Word of the Day -- Jumper

In the mornings, I have taken to exercising, trying to get into shape.  Any other shape than the roundness, pear kind I seemed to find myself in a few months ago.  Each morning I get on the exercycle and rowing machine, then every other day I add some weight lifting to it.  Before any of you get an idea of me, I fu***ing hate working out.  I don't like any of it, except for some reason, the rowing.  I think it's because of the gliding motion and I can pretend I'm on the water. 

Except I really don't pretend that either.  I do what 99% of all of us do when we work out, I watch TV.  Well technically I don't have a TV but I watch stuff on the computer.  We have netflix and I recently splurged for Fubo so that I could watch more of the football games.  Troll Lord Mac got me into a fantasy football league a few years back and I enjoy seeing the games and seeing how bad I lose.  :-)

All this brings me to what I was watching this morning.  And before I forget I have a couple of awesome friends from DrivethruRPG to thank.  One year I was at Gary Con or Gen Con or some Con (they all used to just fade into each other before Covid) and was hanging out with Scott and Meredith from DTRPG.  See this is what you do when you approach your 50's.  Instead of drinking at the bar all night, you take a bottle to a friends hotel room and you all watch Great British Baking Show.  This was over 5 years or so ago now.  I had never seen it but feel in love with the simple and easy kindness of the people.  I hate those "reality competition" shows where everyone just tries to undercut everyone.  On GBBO the people are kind, work hard and have fun.  So whenever I can't find anything else to watch, I go back to some classic GBBO. Today I heard a British word for a sweater that always makes me smile:

Jumper -- a person who jumps, a one piece for a baby, a dress, and the sense I meant: chiefly British : sweater.


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