Thursday, May 01, 2014

Word of the Day -- Tinker

A tinker was originally an itinerant tinsmith, who mended household utensils. The word is attested from the 13th century and may be of imitative origin.  Some travelling people and Gypsies adopted
this lifestyle and the name was particularly associated with indigenous Irish and Scottish Travellers. However, this usage is disputed and considered offensive by some.  Tinkering is therefore the process of adapting, meddling or adjusting something in the course of making repairs or improvements, a process also known as bricolage.

The term "little tinker" is now widely used in the UK as a term of endearment for a cheeky young child.   Some modern day nomads with an Irish, Scottish, or English influence call themselves "techno-tinkers" or "technogypsies" and are found to possess a revival of sorts of the romantic view of the tinker's lifestyle.  The family name "Tinker" is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and does not have an Irish or Romany connection.

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