The object is to break $35,000 by Friday, midnight, PST. We are on the brink of $32,000. We've covered alot of ground, over half of it, with not too much to.
So join the fray if you dare! Plunge into the dungeon and help us take it by storm.
If we managed to hit 35 not only are we unlocking Arms and Armor, and another adventure, and the secret door, but also TLG throws in Epic Level Play. This book will ship with the Players Handbook and contains all the high level material from the CKG in a quick, ready to use dirty reference book!
Arms and Armor is itself a gem however, with hundreds of items stated out for Castles & Crusades!
Castles & Crusades Kickstarter
I'm trying to make the text even with the picture, but really I don't have anything else to say.
I could.
Just hit.
Return! Trollzah
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