Written by Albion Demon Bane, and elf of the old world, the Melody of the Righteous is a book of wondrous power. Albion traveled the planes, fighting the war against chaos for all his long life and with him rode many companions, many dying along the way, but others suffered from such wounds that he sought, through his magic to aid them.
When read aloud the reader's voice settles into a slow, rhythmic cant. The words assume a calm melody, but one that is measured slow. Anyone within ear shot who listens to the cant becomes drowsy and nods off, eventually settling into a deep slumber. It is then when the Melody of the Righteous assumes its greatest power for it removes the troubles of the mind, afflictions of the body and heals wounds both physical and diseased.
Whenever the book is read anyone within ear shot must make a successful wisdom save or fall asleep. If they are willing enough, they do not require a save, and fall asleep. Once asleep the listener heals 1d8 points of damage for every hour the book is read until the reading is complete. It takes 24 hours to read the book from cover to cover. Furthermore the book heals disease as the paladin ability.
The book is about 6 x 8 inches in size and 2 inches thick. The pages themselves are thick and written in High Elvish. It has a clasp, though no lock.
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