Monday, May 06, 2013


NASA is hard at work on the next generation of LEO (Low Earth Orbit) vehicle. Dubbed Orion this craft's design allows it to enter space carrying a crew and payload. For all practical purposes it is the vehicle that replaces the space shuttles. An interesting feature is the Launch Abort System; if anything happens during take off the LAS propels the crew capsule away from the craft in the hopes the crew will survive.

Its a bit small and won't afford the crew the moving space that the shuttle did, but it should possess the same capabilities of docking, etc.It is designed to support a crew for up to six months. It reminds me alot of the Apollo missions that took our boys to the moon. The craft looked very similar to that.

Thus we are in a world of responsible living! If this ship does the job then Trollzah!

More Here.

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