Monday, May 06, 2013


It would seem that life for the endangered bird, the Griffon Vulture, is taking a turn for the worse. These large European scavengers have been on the slow rise of recovery for some time, however, new laws in the EU have forced farmers to immediately burn dead animal carcasses. This in turn has affected the vulture's meal ticket as their are less and less carcasses for them to feed upon.

The birds have become increasingly aggressive and by many accounts are attacking living livestock. Flocks as large as 30+ Birds have been seen over France and Holland.

Its an amazing bird by any stretch of the imagination. I think the EU needs to listen to the Outlaw Josey Wales, who, after shooting a bunch of people, starts to ride off. His young compadre asks him "wish we had time to bury them fellas?" He spits and says "Hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat same as worms," and rides on.

Here's the vid for yers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and there you have it. The unvarnished truth!

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