Friday, August 31, 2012

The Stuff Dreams are Made of . . .

 . . . Planck-scale quantum foam, or at least the universe. In Physical  Review Letters an article was recently published that discussed the arrival of 3 photons to this giant floating inter-stellar battle wagon we call earth. Their arrival, as a gang, has turned theoretical physics on its ear. Unbeknownst to me physicists have been attempting to unify Einsteins theories of a smooth space-time with quantum mechanics. For years they postulated that their are building blocks, blocks that disrupt the Einstein's smooth surface picture. This means that inter-galactic space travelers must be dispersed as they hit these blocks. Not so fast. These three knuckleheads arrived together, with different wavelengths and have been traveling thus for about 7 billion years. Einstein wins again!

Very interesting article, so read on!

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