Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Apocolypse Not

I do NOT like this article. Do NOT read it and believe it. If you read this article you might doubt the coming apocalypse...an event I've been counting on to finally let me square up with Blockbuster video and those damn late fees!

Apocalypse Soon to be Maybe Not at All Now.

 The only apocalypse we need fear facing is the gutopoylspe!

Post Script: Seems I remember an interview with a statistician about the world's population decline. Something the article doesn't address. He projected a decline in population figures in the next couple hundred years as more families have less than 2 children or some such crazy stuff.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, it'll still happen. Just because they can write a lot of words about something doesn't make them right. I mean, I didn't read the whole thing (seriously FOUR pages? WTF), but they are probably just trying to exhaust you and make you think they made their point. So, December 20th, pucker up and kiss your posterior goodbye.

Troll Lord said...

Ahhh. That makes me feel better. But that picture actually makes my stomach hurt.

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