Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Refraining from Star Wars Reference . . .

Aerofex has developed a hover craft, or so it would seem. I can't quite decide if this article is real, as there are precious few details on the fast can it move, how high does it fly, what kind of payload does it carry, does it have a cup holder for my Dr. Pepper and will that cup holder keep my Dr. Pepper cold and other such sundry details.  It doesn't help when you click the video link and the top video on that page's scroll bar is a link to a curiosity found a dinosaur footprint on mars video.

Hover craft.

But regardless it seems cool enough in the picture.

Post script: I have to say the submersible in yesterday's post seems much more comfortable than this dude standing there with his knees gripping the seat, hunched over and perched on the top.

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