Friday, August 03, 2012

Major Nelson' Secret Cold War Innitiative

Little do people realize that Major Nelson, an Air Force commander during the cold war, led a covert war against the dictator of Romania, Clemenescue. His role in the propaganda war against the starved people of that great country played into the collapse of the dictatorship. The propaganda drive included a "TV" show about American capitalism where common people struggled against each other for vast sums of wealth. Major Nelson himself starred as the ruthless J. R. Ewing, an oil tycoon from Texas. The show itself proved wildly popular in the west but was initially banned in the Soviet Block.

Clemy however played right into Major Nelson's hands, thinking it a good idea to showcase this show as a pillar of greed that highlighted all the horrors of capitalism.It had the opposite affect. In a country where people waited in line for 8 hours for a square of toilet paper the Dallas TV show revealed a world where even very poor people could buy luxury items like food.

The revolution was on. When Clemy was captured and executed, along with his crazy wife, in 1989, the first show to air on Romanian TV was the pilot episode of Dallas.

Later, Marjor Nelson, playing another role, Larry Hagman, a liver warehous had this to say: "I think we were directly or indirectly responsible for the fall of the [Soviet] empire," Hagman told the Associated Press a decade ago. "They would see the wealthy Ewings and say, 'Hey, we don't have all this stuff.' I think it was good old-fashioned greed that got them to question their authority."

Dallas wins the cold war!

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