Monday, December 06, 2021

Happy Birthday Davis! Happy Birthday C&C PHB!

Steve is doing an AMA on REDDIT beginning today at noon (December 6). He will be there all day, answering whatever questions people have about whatever comes up: from our founding to working with Gary Gygax, Castles & Crusades, Castle Zagyg, Dr. Pepper, conventions, aliens, the crash of 47, and so on and so on and so on. Here is the link:

Back in December of 2004 Troll Lord Games released the first printing of the Castles & Crusades Players Handbook, which has become TLG’s flagship product. Today, December 6th, 2021, at 1pm CST we release the 8th printing! Today is particularly “special” (and I use that word lightly) because it is Davis Chenault’s birthday (he is the co-creator of the Siege Engine with Mac Golden).

It is by far our finest publication and to celebrate this release (at 1 PM CST) we’ll be offering a special A.M.A. on Twitch today at 6pm CST.  Stephen Chenault, CEO of Troll Lord Games will also be doing an Ask Me Anything on Reddit's rpg subreddit as well.

Post questions all your questions, it will be available from 12 noon CST and up for 24 hrs. After the live Twitch show, Steve will be monitoring Reddit from 7pm to 10pm CST to answer posts and also be available for those that would like a live discussion.

On Sale at 1pm CST!

LIVE on @twitch at 6pm CST!

Ask Me Anything on Reddit!

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