Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Castles & Crusades Kickstarter News

35 By Friday for Epic Level Play!

To Arms! To Arms! Literally…to Arms and Armor. We’re putting a call out to spread the word about our hard fighting Castles & Crusades Kickstarter. It’s already the best KS TLG has launched and we are only half way through. But let’s gather up for another charge and make it even better!

IF we hit the $35,000 stretch goal (and we just broke through 30k) by Friday midnight PST, not only do we unlock the Arms and Armor Resource Guide but TLG will include C&C Epic Level Play!

C&C Epic Level Play includes the extended class levels from the CKG, taking your characters up to 24th level. This 20 page, saddle stitched, b/w book will be exclusive to this Kickstarter and included in every $25.00 pledge level and above! But we have to reach 35k by midnight PST.

Spread the word!

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