Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Purikura poses

Steve started this cosplay thing up a few years ago. Since I have been back to blogging I have taken some of the cosplay posting responsibility. Apparently I missed the boat on some this because I posted a painting a few days ago. I need some glasses.

So anyway, I keep coming across these

types of poses.

So I did some quick research. Mind you, this is quick internet research.  Meaning I am two google searches into absolutely 100% accurately informed as to the nature of these poses.

OK, so there are gazillions of these poses. At first I thought they were all based on anime or manga characters signature looks or something.

Well, I think these poses are called purikura poses. This comes from purintokurabu, a photo booth found in Asia or something. Having one's picture taken in photo booths is quite popular in Japan, especially for young adults and girls. While in the booth, one strikes poses. These poses are to enhance the 'cuteness' factor of the pose so that someone can roll a natural 21 (as in the above pic since you can google almost any set of words imaginable and she keeps showing up).

Strike a pose

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