Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Do Not Stand Still

Someone told me that once. A long time ago, in a far away place, in a bar over a beer. It was and still is a good piece of advice. Its also part of swordplay. Stay in motion. Move toward your opponent. Close. Be aggressive. It is difficult for me to imagine a battlefield of the past with all those weapons, all those milling about flinging their weapons at one another and...

staying in formation. I would be just as worried about my friend hitting me accidentally as the guy in front of me.

I was reading an article by Jonh Clements  (printed version I found in a pile of papers on a shelf so no reference). He was talking about movement in combat with weapons and how important it is to winning a combat. One might want to incorporate that into your game somehow. I try to. So I give 5 foot or so moves to anyone in when its their turn. I am also going to allow maneuver skills that lets one get into an opponents flank or blind side to deliver more and better blows. Grappling was also a very important part of sword fighting. Hmmm... grappling rules

Check out the ARMA website.

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