Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Its Raining

Last week four more asteroids hurled past Earth, one within 600,000 miles and as large as a city block. Astronomers didn't even see these until they were upon us. This means either one of two things.

1) These rocks fly by constantly, moving so fast and they are so small that we don't see them, miss them, or mistake them for something else. Its been going on for 4 billion years.

2) The Gamilons have managed to master cloaking technology and have moved an Armada into the Kuiper Belt, their giant ships have dislodged many a rock from the belt and send them hurling toward Earth.


Anonymous said...

Could be the Arachnids-it's how they took out Buenos Aires.

Troll Lord said...

HOLY CRAP! Your right! And where are the Roughnecks!?!?

gufnork said...

Nah, it's just the last of the debris from that planet Darth Vader blew up. Can't remember it's name now...

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