Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Daily Cosplay


ssshhh... said...

Harley's great, but her old costume was infinitely better than this new look. There's just no comparison. Skin-tight body suits... That's the wave of the future where psychotic super villains are concerned. And that nice hat with the bells on the end. I miss old Harley.

ssshhh... said...

She is supposed to be Harley, right?

Anonymous said...

Steampunk Harley for the win!

I remember Jessica posting shots of this outfit when she debuted it not too long ago. Nice to see she's still having fun with all of it.

Troll Lord said...

There's a whole bunch of steam punk super heroes now a days. I found a great Poison Ivy not too long ago, I'll try to track it down.

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