Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Lady Grey

Edward VI, son of Henry VIII, lay dying in June of 1553. Edward defied a succession act and rather than giving the throne to his half sister Mary, he turned to cousin, Jane Grey, the daughter of Henry VIII's sister, Mary Tudor the Queen of France. He granted her the crown and the succession. So Jane became rightful Queen of all England. So so she was named by the Peers and Privy Council.

Queen Jane was 16 years of age, strikingly beautiful, possessed of a curious demeanor, she enjoyed to laugh, though the hunt had no interest for the young lady. As Queen she refused to crown her husband, Lord Dudley and left his title and role to Parliment. She took up residence in the Tower of London though she was lost in the wild machinations of kings, queens, dukes and the men of power and letters.

Her reign was short lived. The Lary Mary, daughter of Henry VIII, quickly gathered support amongst the Catholic nobles and turned the tides against Lady Jane. Within 9 days the privy council turned for Mary and declared Jane treasonous. She and her husband both found the Tower of London their prison.

Later in the year the Lady Jane witnessed her husband beheaded and his lifeless body returned to the tower. She herself was taken out to be beheaded.

The executioner turned to her and pleaded for the young Lady's forgiveness, which she gave, but turned then and asked him to do the deed quickly, "will you take it off before I lay me down"; he answered that he could not. So she blindfolded herself and stumbling around the scaffold called out "what shall I do? where shall I go?" Her voice tore the hearts of the crowd and the Lord Thomas Brygdes took her by the hand and guided the child to the block. As she lay down she prayed "Lord Jesus into they hands I commend my spirits." They took her head.

 Though they took her head, they did not take her from the tower, for tis said she wanders those halls still, seeking her father who placed her on the ill fated throne.

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