Thursday, October 11, 2012

Area 51

It would seem a British film crew from the BBC and some other knuckleheads tried to sneak into Area 51 and find some answers.

As everyone knows Area 51 is home to all manner of government secrets, including the remnants of a crashed alien space ship . . . I just had this interesting thought about aliens trying to immigrate to earth. What would we do if suddenly ships from far far away started popping up next to the earth and aliens started landing and setting up shop and looking for jobs. Hahaha That would rock . . . . but I digress, jet testing facilities, weather balloons, the US Tax Code, Jimmy Hoffa and Elvis and other various and unexplainable phenomena and government sundries.

Its interesting and damned ballsy that these people tried to break into this facility, where one could get shot. But what's really interesting is their choice of garb. Check out these pictures.

I'm not a master rogue or anything but it seems to me that if you were going to sneak into a secret government complex you would want to wear something more than tank tops, flip flops and tshirts. Though I can see someone has a blue airforce shirt on there.

And my next question is why were they able to cluster at the gate? The gate clearly has electricity and is used, but no guards. How top secret can a facility be if its gates have no guards?

Perhaps this is a ploy, a distraction, a false gate to mislead these would be  . . . beach going snoops.

Read full article here: The Mail.

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